cloud cost optimization

Cloud cost optimization platform: Up to 60% savings

Save 30-50% on your monthly cloud bill. Get 40% more cloud per dollar spent. Zero spend on unused resources. No unexpected costs.

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32%of your cloud
spend is wasteful

Improperly managed data transfer costs, idle resources, oversized resources, and misconfigured or unoptimized resources can all contribute to unexpectedly high costs when using big cloud providers. These unexpected costs can be a major setback for businesses running apps in the cloud. What if you could get lower cloud cost for better performance without compromising on functionality or user experience?

Slash your cloud costs in minutes

Say goodbye to wasteful cloud spending and hello to savings with Lyrid. Analyze your Kubernetes cluster, optimize your cloud setup, and start seeing results on day one. Your wallet (and your boss) will thank you.
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Smart Cloud Resource Allocation - Powered by Lyrid

Say goodbye to guesswork and overspending on cloud resources you don't need. Lyrid's application-centric approach identifies exactly what your workloads require and picks the best resources for top-notch performance at the best price.
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Get the Best Price to Performance Ratio

Achieve unparalleled cloud performance and affordability with Lyrid. Grow your business without worrying about skyrocketing cloud costs.
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customer success story
How Aido Health Cut 58% Per Year in Cloud Spend and Reduced Platform Engineering Effort Using Lyrid
“We want to fully utilize our machine clusters at Lyrid to increase our cost savings in the long run compared to what we ran in Google, as based on our calculations, our spending at Lyrid will scale linearly.”
$82k saved on AWS
Aido’s switch to containerized apps and microservices unlocked new revenue streams.
Read the case study→
intelligent automation

Optimize cloud costs with local cloud infrastructure

Lower your cloud costs without sacrificing quality services. With Lyrid, you gain access to our network of local data centers, providing lower latency, better hardware, faster support, and an in-depth understanding of regional markets. Experience the tangible business benefits of optimized cloud infrastructure with Lyrid.

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platform features

All that you need for cloud cost optimization

Instant Optimization
Achieve an optimized cluster state in minutes and boost performance while cutting costs.
Transparent Cost Control
Get complete cost visibility and predict expenses for projects, clusters, and deployments with Lyrid's universal metrics.
Day One Savings
Lyrid's reports give you a clear picture of the exact savings you can realistically expect for your cluster at any given time.
Resource Management
Lyrid dynamically adds or removes resources to ensure the best performance of your workloads at all times.
Scalability Simplified
Scale your infrastructure up and down as needed without breaking the bank or burdening engineers with Lyrid's affordable and flexible solutions.
Smart Instance Selection
Our AI-driven algorithm selects the best instance type to meet your application's requirements at the lowest cost whenever extra nodes are needed.
Vendor-Agnostic Solution
Avoid long-term commitments with Lyrid's vendor-agnostic platform, which selects the optimal solution for your cluster.
Smooth Onboarding
Get personalized support from Lyrid engineers and seamlessly onboard your Kubernetes infrastructure.
Human Support
Enjoy easy-to-use Lyrid, but rest assured that real human support engineers are here to answer your questions whenever you need assistance.
Jumpstart your cloud cost
optimization initiative in 3 easy steps
Start with or without Kubernetes
Our platform and tooling are made for Kubernetes, enabling you to seamlessly scale as you grow - without changing your code, regardless of whether you already have a cluster or not.
Get started with Minikube or K3s
We usually begin by setting up a Minikube or K3s instance inside your own machine, making it easy to get started quickly.
Start building with Lyrid
Access the tools you need to build, deploy, and manage your applications seamlessly.

Ready to get started?

Try Lyrid for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to transform and scale your business in the cloud.

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