
How Lyrid is Committed to Security and Data Protection

Handoyo Sutanto
4 min
January 4, 2023
Handoyo Sutanto
4 min
January 4, 2023

How Lyrid is Committed to Security and Data Protection

Is having a data protection strategy part of your 2023 resolutions? If not, this might interest you.

Cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy have never been more critical. Cyber attacks and new legislation have created a new need for security at every level, and that includes your applications or infrastructure with Lyrid.

A recent Gartner survey indicates that 88% of boards now regard cybersecurity as a business risk rather than solely a technical IT issue. Similarly, an IBM report indicates the average data breach cost is US$9.44 million in the United States and US$4.35 million globally.

We understand that data is one of your most valuable assets. That’s why Lyrid keeps your security in mind with everything we do. Every component of our platform is designed, tested, and refined with a focus on helping you build truly secure applications.

Ready to learn exactly how we protect your data? Keep reading to learn about our security initiatives and why we’re so proud of them.

Cloud Security is a Shared Responsibility

Lyrid’s multi cloud security embraces a shared responsibility model, just like AWS, Azure, other cloud providers, and cybersecurity operators in general.

What will Lyrid protect? What are you responsible for protecting? We protect the infrastructure and your data while you develop secure applications. Let’s explore the specifics.

We Keep You Compliant

Our environment is ready to help you build applications in full compliance with several leading regulations, including:

  • GDPR

Depending on your specific needs, you’ll likely be able to customize your build to meet additional data protection and privacy requirements. In addition, we regularly monitor major regulatory requirements to make sure our infrastructure will keep you compliant as requirements evolve.

We Cover Physical Security, Too

Cybersecurity isn’t just about digital security; it’s also about physical access to the machines running your Kubernetes clusters. And we’ve got that covered, too.

We thoroughly vet our partners, and robust physical security protocols are required before onboarding. 

Lyrid also works with our partners to ensure physical security by creating a flexible Kubernetes-based deployment environment that can be configured to work with our partners’ chosen hardware firewalls.

From there, we work with data center operators to secure physical data center access as necessary. Our partners already have the right level of physical security in place, and we’ll work to make adjustments, if necessary, to meet compliance requirements.

Lyrid’s Shared Responsibility Platform-as-a-Service Architecture

Our shared responsibility model focuses on role-based access to security. You’ll have access to your application and related data, while Lyrid has access to the backend infrastructure that keeps everything running smoothly.

Customers will need to secure access based on their roles, just like you would with AWS or Azure. As a Lyrid customer, you’ll be responsible for the following:

  • Platform applications and identity management security
  • Operating system, networking, software firewall configuration
  • Client-side data encryption
  • Server-side encryption (such as file systems or data)
  • Networking traffic protection (encryption, integrity, and identity

What does all this mean? You’ll still need to develop secure applications that don’t create vulnerabilities that invite cyber attacks.

Lyrid plays a vital role in your data protection and security, too. We are responsible for protecting the infrastructure, including:

Software that operates:

  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Database
  • Networking

Hardware and global infrastructure, including:

  • Regions
  • Edge locations
  • Availability zones

Let’s dive even further into exactly how we keep you protected. Read on to learn more about how we keep your applications secure.

How Lyrid Protects Your Data and Applications

Even massive enterprises can’t risk a data breach. Moreover, these breaches are immediately expensive and create lasting reputation damage that your company may never recover from.

So, we keep your data and applications secure. We know that data protection and privacy are of the utmost importance to your organization, so we keep your security in mind with everything we do.

Let’s break down what we can access, how we handle your data, and our risk assessment processes — all focusing on keeping your data safe.

Can Lyrid Access Your Data?

What exactly can Lyrid access? For example, can we look at your end-users data whenever we want? 

No, Lyrid only has access to infrastructure information alongside your business or personal billing information to pay for services. 

We need access to infrastructure information to ensure we provide the best experience for you and your users. In addition, understanding this infrastructure information helps us understand if a specific cluster is over-utilized, for example, so our automated system can spin up additional clusters.

So, what information do we have? We can only access information about usage, such as:

  • Storage
  • Memory
  • CPU limits on clusters

The only other information we have is your billing information — and nothing else. So we have no idea how many users you have, their personal information, or anything else that creates unnecessary data protection vulnerabilities or privacy concerns.

How Do We Handle User Data?

We know cybercriminals are always looking for ways to exploit systems, so we don’t transmit your infrastructure usage information in plain text. Having this information fall into the wrong hands may enable entirely new concerns.

Every bit of data that leaves your clusters is encrypted. It is only unencrypted when it reaches our internal systems. Therefore, any third party that intercepts traffic between the cluster and our systems will have unreadable encrypted data.

Vulnerabilities Enable Attacks — How Does Lyrid Protect You?

Vulnerabilities create opportunities for cyber attacks, whether user management policies or a zero-day exploit following a software update.

We’ve talked about how we protect your data, but how do we protect the underlying infrastructure from enabling a vulnerability that puts your app or data at risk? Let’s briefly discuss how we keep you safe from vulnerabilities that open the door to cyber attacks.

Frequent Risk Assessments and Mitigation

Risk assessments are a series of specialized processes involving mapping all of our IT assets, checking for known vulnerabilities creating risks, and understanding the impact of a risk becoming a reality.

Then, we explore strategies and controls to mitigate each risk. Mitigation strategies vary depending on the risk in question. For example, a mitigation control can range from updating software, patching firmware, or enhancing our monitoring systems.

Once implemented, we continually monitor the effectiveness of the risk mitigation controls. Are we adequately preventing the risk from being exploited? We'll explore a new strategy if we decide the control is lacking. Lyrid integrates Prometheus and Grafana to provide robust monitoring engine services.

Our risk assessment process is ongoing. We continually evaluate our tech ecosystem to discover vulnerabilities affecting services or data protection. 

Lyrid’s Vetting and Auditing Processes

Our responsibility is to ensure that any data center we onboard have the right physical and digital security to protect our infrastructure and your data. As a result, we have an extreme vetting approach, and not everyone makes the cut. 

Every data center that has passed our initial vetting process must also continually pass our audits to ensure their security practices are up to par. We’ll end our agreements with any data center in our global roster if we discover they are not adequately protecting our infrastructure.

We’re Available When You Need Us

We do everything we can to prevent data breaches, downtime, and any other cyber attack that risks your data or availability. 

Our security practices include being available whenever you need us should an issue arise. We offer 24/7 chat, email, and telephone support. In addition, we’re available at a moment's notice to investigate any issue that may arise, whether downtime or a possible breach.

Lyrid’s Security Commitment to Our Customers

We’re committed to the security and protection of our customers, from protecting your data to the availability of your application. Lyrid keeps security in focus with every decision we make, from a minor update to a major new feature — we won’t leave your security and privacy lacking.

We keep you safe by:

  • Vetting and auditing data center partners
  • Encrypting customer data at rest and in transit
  • Ongoing risk assessment, testing, and monitoring
  • Staying aware of changes to regulatory requirements to keep you compliant
  • Ensure the physical security of our partner data centers
  • Provide 24/7 support

In addition to the security we provide, there are also cloud security managed services for an extra layer of protection.

Ready to discover the future of cloud computing and our secure cloud hosting? Contact us today to speak to a cloud expert and learn how our unique services can help you avoid vendor lock-in while improving availability and security.

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